Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Missing significant others.....

My daughter has been loosing her shoes at an alarming rate. I now have 3 shoes that are missing their "other". I briefly thought about throwing them away but I could not and I don't know why.

Children's shoes are not cheap! I was confused because I had to keep buying the same shoes again and again. Causually over the phone my mother told me I lost shoes too. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

What can I do with 3 odd paired shoes? Take pictures of course! I paid a lot of money to buy these shoes so at least they can be my artistic subjects, right? I want someday to show the photo to my daughter and tell her the story of the lost shoes. I hope the photo means as much to her someday as it does to me.

Missing shoes reminds me of missing socks. I don't like doing laundry and cleaning up the house but when I fold my daughter's small clothes and tidy up her tiny shoes, I smile.

My daughter is napping now. Time to do laundry and clean up the house!


  1. LOL! I have the same problem with little MissT! And when I do find the "other" it's always in the craziest place!
    She had gotten better since I make her put her shoes on the "spinning" shoe rack now. :)

  2. Georgia,
    I am glad to hear that I am not the only one to have this problem....Usually she looses them at the grocery store, parks, or zoo. Whenever she rides shopping cart or stroller, she kicks them off and I did not realize about it and loose them.....I have been hoping to find the other, but have not had any luck...

  3. My daughter also loses her socks!
    She throw away when she ride on buggy.
    So, I empathize your feeling, well.
    The 'other' shoes pic is cute.
    This pic makes me smile!

    Well, your blog is so nice.
    You are really good wife and wise mom!
    I'm looking forward updating your cooking, baking, sewing and so on topic :)

  4. Hi Kumiko,

    Thank you for your comment. :) I am so gald to know that you read my blog.

    I think my daughter thew one of her shoes out of the car window while we were driving....She is crazy. It has been fun to keep some record about me for her.

    I admire you for writing everyday about your daughter. I was gonna do it but have not been successful. Instead, I started this blog. I hope I can continue ariting this blog at least. ;)
