Picking strawberries is actually hard work! My daughter and I got tired easily but my husband was so excited he was out of control. Soon we had assembly line. My husband would pick the berry, I would hand them to our daughter, and she would put them in the container.
Here's the catch of the day...
The farm had not only strawberries but raspberries too.
Picking raspberries is easier on your back but still very hard work. They are easily crushed so you need to grasp them just right. We should have brought a pair of scissors.
We picked so many strawberries and raspberries my daughter could not carry the container, but that didn't stop her from trying.
If you have raspberries at home and don't know what to do, I recommend this recipe. You can click the blue highlighted letters which links to the Martha Stewart website. And remember to act fast, raspberries don't last long at all.